So - on April 7, 2009, on Avery's 6 month Birthday, I pulled out the homemade butternut squash I had baked and carefully frozen into 1 oz portions, and prepared to start solids for the first time. Here we go... once we started solids, our 'life' would be changed. A whole new event was being added to our daily routine and never again would we change a "breastfed" baby poopy diaper...
I used the FlowSpoon. to feed Avery and I really liked how UNMESSY it was compared to the regular take 'n toss spoons I had, but I had difficulty "reloading" the spoon. I was using small, 4 oz plastic cups to hold thawed squash in and I just couldn't seem to get the spoon into a good position to get the pureed vegetable in to the spoon.
However, when I did get it filled up, Avery emptied it like a champ. She was familiar with the soft roundness of the tip of the spoon and was used to the sucking motion to get stuff IN her mouth. The squash puree that we used was just that - pureed squash. I did not thin it out much because I had read that it's best to add needed liquids to foods AFTER they thaw since some foods tend to get a little more watery/runny. Avery seemed to be ok with the thicker pureed squash though so I went back to the old saying of "if it ain't broke..."
I did however, think many times that it might just be because Avery was older, and REALLY ready for solids that she didn't need the transition spoon. She never had any issues with eating, or switching back and forth from breast to bottle; she has been a relatively EASY baby with very few difficulties. She never spit out any of the food and ate it right up. The new experience was FUN for her. We might not have been such a great test case for it because of this. BUT... if I had started her earlier on a runny rice cereal mixture, I think the FlowSpoon. would have been an AWESOME tool to help a baby learn to EAT solids. It's a much better alternative to putting rice cereal in a bottle. And some babies are not as aware of their surroundings/environment, so they may need some help getting the hang of the new skill of EATING.
I have included some pictures of Avery's first solids. (the mess is more of mom's user error than baby not eating :) ) and I really promise she enjoyed it!!! She just has some special faces she makes. Even 5 weeks later, we haven't found a food she WON'T eat, she will just make a face and keep on chewing.
Thanks for being a mommy tester!
Thank you for your review of Flowspoon. It's great Avery was able to have pureed food from it, even though (as you experienced) it works best with cereal. I am the inventor/founder of Flowspoon, and am looking for Mommy sales reps.
p.s. I voted for Avery!
Hi! I'm Catherine from Singapire. Can we use flowspoon to feed milk? My bb girl is 7 1/2 months old & is refusing to drink milk both on the breast & bottle. Very messy feeding with ordinary spoon. Pls help.
Thank u.
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