Sunday, August 31, 2008

5 weeks to go!

I can't believe we only have 5 weeks to go... in 2 weeks, Miss Avery will be "full term" and I could go into labor at any minute...holy cow!!! Here's the latest updates. Thursday night I woke up in the middle of the night and felt a little warm, so I got up to turn down the thermostat. I noticed that Milo was not sleeping at the end of the bed with us. When I went down the hall to the thermostat, I spotted something in the corner of my eye. The cats have taken up sleeping on the Changing Table in the nursery. I snapped a late night picture...the expressions on their faces sort of say "Mom, please do not disturb us"... Now, at any time of the day or night, at least one of them is sleeping on the contoured changing pad. Saturday, August 30, marked the beginning of Alabama's football season. I couldn't find an ALABAMA maternity shirt so I settled for a top in crimson (well it's berry, but close enough). I definitely think I have dropped a little and am getting huger by the minute. In the corner of the nursery we have a small nook that I thought it would be nice to put shelves in. So after one unlevel shelf, I finished the job, as Robert had to go run an errand. Here is the finished product. I'm pretty darn proud of them! We definitely need more books for little miss though!

For those of you who love belly shots...

Here they are in chronological order My belly shots

Monday, August 25, 2008


Princess Pillow I call him my "fat cat" but this is a great picture showing exactly how chubby he is... Who said the dog and cat hate each other? THey are avoiding looking at eachother - then they can tolerate one another "These boots were made for walking..." Thanks to Dana for her cute "texan" gift - Avery has her first pair of cowgirl boots Buddy says "this is the life" Avery's Coming home Outfit Picture of nursery from the "nook" My First Halloween outfit Crib w/ bedding in it

So, you're having twins???

Apparently when you're pregnant, people decide that they have the right to comment about your weight, your size, your diet, your birth plans, etc. Everyone has an opinion and more than likely it is different than the woman who is the one actually carrying the child. Very frustrating in my opinion.
I had my fair share of "morning" sickness this pregnancy, so if I wanted to eat Easy Mac for breakfast - because that is the ONLY thing that sounded remotely edible AND would not make me vomit, then I did it.
Being 6 weeks out, I have not gained excessive weight and my doctors are very pleased with my progress. They don't care that I stop at McDonald's for a soft serve cone every chance I get. All they are concerned about is that my Blood Pressure is "phenomenal", my urine is clear of toxins and the baby is growing on schedule. They don't even blink when they look at my stretch marked belly.
At any rate, some people enjoy passing judgement or offering unwelcome advice. Last Monday, a stranger at work came up to me and made the comment of "So, any day now, huh!??!!"
When I gently replied that I had 7 weeks left, she then thought to take the comment one step further and ask "Oh, so you're having twins???" ......................................
Um, NO, but thanks for making me feel like an even larger whale than I already am.
For your viewing pleasure, I have added a belly shot from that day, wearing the same outfit. I was 33 weeks along.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bama Baby Shower

Last Saturday (August 16, 2008) I had four wonderful women throw me a baby shower. It was EVERYTHING an expecting mother could ask for. I had friends, family and food! Um, my belly is as big as Robert's Grandmother... The Loot! For as many very cute clothes and much appreciated gift cards I received at my shower in Portland, I received all the stuff from my registry for this one. It was fantastic and I ended up with EVERYTHING that my daughter will need! Of course they played the "how big is the belly game" - using TOILET paper! I think Lisa missed the memo about how I feel about that, but it wasn't ALL that humiliating and I was able to endure it. For the record - 12 - it took 12 sheets of toilet paper to go around my belly. Me, concentrating on opening gifts. My FABULOUS hostesses. From Left to Right - Karin - MIL, Lisa - SIL, ME - how can you miss me?, Tammy - we met riding horses. She just had a baby 3 months ago! and finally Lisa - my "first" friend here in Huntsville. I'm SO sad she lives in Atlanta now! These ladies were WONDERFUL. The spread - it was PHENOMENAL! Reused Diaper cake from the first shower! YUMMY Petit Fours - If you look closely the pink portion is in the shape of baby booties!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

What's in a Name???

We FINALLY decided on a name.

Avery Elizabeth

I think it's cute, but not too cute, Sassy but not in that smartassy sort of way and intelligent sounding. And... Robert and I both agree on it... Even though Jerry thinks it's a boy's name and it's the same as the printer label brand, but hey, those are great labels!!!

I Love our Avery!!!

***Note: We will call her "AVERY" - I grew up without a nickname, and for the most part, Robert (even though there are nicknames galore) prefers "Robert" over anything else.

Monday, August 4, 2008

2 more months!

Time is flying by... Wednesday I have a dr appt and it seems like just yesterday they were sending me off to my glucose tolerance test telling me that hopefully they wouldn't be talking to me until August 6. 3 weeks of sitting on pins and needles has passed... I think it's safe to say that I do NOT have gestational diabetes!!! THANK GOODNESS!!! So here is where I spend most of my time at home now... Our Glider is fantastic! It's by Best Chairs Storytime series. I LOVE IT! It will be great when the bambino arrives. And for all you who care, here is a ~31 week photo of the "the bump".